Universal Berm Repair Kit

ENPAC Containment Berm repair kit.


Having an ENPAC containment berm repair kit readily available enables immediate, on-site repairs for any punctures or damage, ensuring swift containment of leaks. This not only prolongs the lifespan of the berm but also reduces the need for costly replacements, prevents environmental contamination, and helps avoid potential regulatory fines.


The kit includes all essential tools, equipment, and an instruction sheet, allowing quick and efficient re-sealing of the damaged berm, minimizing downtime and maintaining continuous protection in spill-prone environments.


Product Code: 48 BRK
Product Description: ENPAC Containment Berm Repair Kit.
Dimension: 24″ x 12″ x 12″ (61 cm. x 30 cm. x 30 cm.)
Total Weight: 15 lbs (6 kg.)
Country of Origin: USA
Sold as: Complete Set
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