Prowler Pools are the most dependable, chemically resistant pop-up, portable spill containment pools available, they offer excellent resistance to the widest range of chemicals, fuels, and other hazardous materials. They are also resistant to abrasions, punctures, UV Rays, and harsh weather conditions.


Product Features:
♦ The teardrop design with a top tension ring is self-supporting
♦ Resistant to abrasions and punctures and a wide range of chemicals
♦ Half the weight of comparably sized pools with twice the strength
♦ Foldable for compact storage and transport, and can be used in Truck Spill Kits.


Part Number

Top Dia x Base Dia x Height Weight Ib. (kg.) Spill Capacity
5920-YE 18″ (46 cm.) x 28″ (71 cm.) x 13″ (33 cm.) 2 Lbs. (1 Kg.) 20 Gal. (75 Ltr.)
5966-YE 36″ (91 cm.) x 48″ (122 cm.) x 14″ (35.6 cm.) 3 Lbs. (1.5 Kg.) 66 Gal. (250 Ltr.)
5900-YE 32″ (81 cm.) x 48″ (122 cm.) x 18″ (46 cm.) 4 Lbs. (1.8 Kg.) 100 Gal. (378 Ltr.)
5950-YE 44″ (112 cm.) x 60″ (152 cm.) x 18″ (46 cm.) 4 Lbs. (1.8 Kg.) 150 Gal. (567 Ltr.)




ENPAC’s 100 Gallon decontamination hazmat pool offers the same chemical compatibility and resistance as Prowler Pop-up pool with added benefit of a lower sidewall, making it easier to enter and exit in case of decontamination. A favorite tool for first responders and hazmat teams.


Product Features:
♦ Lower sidewall for easy entry and exit.
♦ Foldable for compact storage and transport, and can be used in Truck Spill Kits.
♦ Optional drain. –  Standard size is 100 Gallon, custom sizes are also available.


5901-YE 67″ (170 cm.) x 74″ (188 cm.) x 8″ (20 cm.) 5 Lbs. (2 Kg.) 100 Gal. (378 Ltr.)
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